The essential online tool to improve people's potential

It measure and report diagnostic outcomes, and prioritize areas of influence of the work context

'Dantefactor', the amount of experienced passion, self-efficacy and motivation to grow.

A high ‘Dantefactor’ leads to increased work effectiveness and job satisfaction. For the first time, passion is operationalized as a concept.

A comprehensive study, in which both employees and managers participated, researched if there was validation for the assumption that a high ‘Dantefactor’ leads to increased work effectiveness and job satisfaction.

Dantefactor Compass is a profilescan that measures the way these factors are perceived within work. It can be applied to individuals, teams and organizations in whole.

The use of the Compass

“Your dantefactor Compass” shows your level of pleasure in the job, effectiveness and satisfaction on the activities you carried out within your organization. The Compass indicates at a glance whether if you are currently on track or if it deviates. The Compass provides handles to stay on track or to steer your current position. You can do it on your own or together with your teamleader coach or colleague.

The dantefactor outcome shows the degree of the level of passion, conviction an growth motivation in the job role. It displays the actual connection that you have with the work you do.

It measures: passion – self efficacy – motivation to grow. Those 3 combined we call the Dantefactor, and it is reported in a percentage output. Pragmatic self reflection, approximately 25 questions, expresses the Dantefactor in a track score ranging from 0-100%.

It provides pragmatic information which can be used to define what key factors causing underperformance, which initiatives will impact behavioural change, influence feeling valued in work and how to attract and attach employees.

This is done by describing one’s personal objective of what one wants to achieve with the Dantefactor track plan. To determine what the scope to steer is, the highest possible score is subtracted with one’s personal Dantefactor score. So one can choose on their own where to put focus first.

Output of our 20 min. reflection

If you score high on the passion scale, you are energized and inspired by your work. You perceive your work as a productive and worthwhile use of you time and can invest all your energy in what you do. If you score low. You will regularly feel a lack of motivation and enthusiasm. You work may not be challenging enough for you and / or you may wish you could do you work differently.

If you score high on the self efficacy scale, you feel that you are fully capable of completing your tasks and you are confident in your capability to do you work. You feel that you can take the right decisions in order to achieve success. If you score low, you may be prone to doubt you won abilities and to feel that you are not capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. you do not always feel competent to handle your tasks and other people may make you doubt your own abilities.

Motivation to grow
If you score high on the motivation to grow scale, you will enjoy learning new things and gaining new skills. You are intuitive and perceive events as opportunities for personal and professional growth. if you score low,you do not consider personal development to be very important. You may prefer not to take advantage of opportunities to learn new things and/ or you may consider financial rewards to be more important.

The output

Clear insights on how to use employees full potential so they will be of longer value and motivated in the work they do.

The output will be converted into a comprehensive overview together with a personal track plan. This track plan is kind of an action plan. it improves self-awareness about what stimulates to matter and become more effective in the work. In this plan employees reflect on own work context in order to experience more enthusiasm, energy and passion in work life.


  • In the workplace, various situational and personal factors influence how much energy, confidence, or growth motivation people experience.
  • A strong awareness of what is needed in job life increases the degree that every talent thrives.