Changing labor market
As markets become more globalized, the competitive environment will become more extreme. Competitive survival is causing companies to turn more and more to examining the people side of the productivity equation. A small increase in employee productivity can add a lot of money to the bottom line. To be more competitive, productive and profitable, the concept of HR and the way we manage our workforce must evolve. Organizations have the responsibility to create and maintain workplaces that are fair, safe, and engaging by leveraging the strengths of human resources skills; of the organization and individuals within. As the nature of organizations change and jobs become more amorphous, HR practices and theories must quickly evolve to continue to enrich the organizations and the very people they support.
In order to best manage the workforce as it now exists, there is significant focus on training and development. Development (the long term process that facilitates strategic thinking) capitalizes on experience and aims to reach goals. Training is provided specifically to change behaviors or attitudes in order to meet job specific requirements. Organizations are now focusing on developing individuals and their careers rather than addressing immediate needs of the job, which has led to an entire industry around lifelong learning. Doing so seems to encourage employee retention and allows us to stay up to date with technological changes as well as shifting demographics.
This brings to the fore people management which is essential to the success of any organization. Leaders need to recruit, train, and retain qualified employees. Providing incentives and developing individuals, is the difference between engaging people and merely employing them. Investing in people management will provide financial benefits as it improves the company’s culture.
Some important pointers to consider:
- A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.
- Employees who have the specific skill sets and DNA that the company requires are profitable and help drive the business forward.
- Motivation will almost always beat mere talent.
Research and surveys postulate that:
- Employees see little connection between their performance and rewards and the higher goals of the business;
- Employees set “easily achievable” goals for their yearly plans;
- Employees frequently aren’t clear about what is expected of them;
- Employees expect more to find in a job role then just a pay check.
It’s no wonder that there is a lack of employee commitment to the employer, to productivity, and to performance.
What we want to contribute in the world of labor
Our vision is to build work places where every human being experiences everlasting pleasure in their job life and career.
“They said it”, “This may sound soft and mushy, but happy people are better for business. They are more creative and productive, they build environments where success is more likely, and you have a much better chance of keeping your best players.”- Shelly Lazarus (b. 1947) Chairman and CEO, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide.
To compete globally, you need more than just a good strategy in business. Competence of the individuals in their specific job roles is paramount. This encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior required to improve performance. This is the framework for building competence. In essence, the state or quality of one’s ability to adequately perform on the specific job role.
Success is attained when we understand the deeper layers that predict performance. Thorough understanding of competencies has resulted in additional elements in the definition of competencies:
- Personal attitude
- Intrinsic motives and values
Monitoring their self awareness regarding personal values, their goals in life, their ambitions, passion for the job and their affection/connection with their job, tasks, roles and functions is important as these factors impact on intrinsic motivation; and correlate strongly with the employee’s desire to apply the new skills and improve their performance.
Explore how to collect the right insights to keep employees connected with their work, and let them make use of their full potential.